Marine Phytoplankton – A Superior Form of Omega 3

Marine Phytoplankton – A Superior Form of Omega 3

Omega-3? Think Phytoplankton! Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for the heart, brain, and overall health, but their absorption and effectiveness depend heavily on the form in which they are delivered. Not all omega-3 supplements work equally well! Many fish oil capsules...

Marine Phytoplankton For Weight Loss

Marine Phytoplankton For Weight Loss

Leavy Greens And Marine Phytoplankton Weight Loss Strategy Did you know the secret to weight management might be hidden in the green leaves we see every day in the supermarket and that you are somehow avoiding? Researchers have discovered that thylakoids, the...

Algae: Your  Extra Source Of Green Protein!

Algae: Your Extra Source Of Green Protein!

The Power of Algae For Protein: Think Chlorella, Spirulina, and Phytoplankton Want a simple way to boost your protein intake? Chlorella, Spirulina, and Marine Phytoplankton are nutrient-rich algae that can also deliver a solid protein boost. Adding 10 grams of each...

TetraSOD: The Master Antioxidant

TetraSOD: The Master Antioxidant

Superoxide Dismutase: The Master Antioxidant of Our Body You’ve likely heard about antioxidants and their importance in our diet. But did you know that our body has its own primary antioxidant system? Indeed, human biology is fascinating! Your body is constantly...

The Extra Benefits of  Phytoplankton

The Extra Benefits of Phytoplankton

The Extra Benefits Of  Phytoplankton: Carotenoids! The main benefit of marine phytoplankton, in our view, is its Omega-3 content. The good thing is that it is a whole food, and we get to enjoy the complete food matrix of the alga (Nannochloropsis), which has numerous...

The Benefits For Omega 3 Derived From Algae

The Benefits For Omega 3 Derived From Algae

The Benefits For Omega 3 Derived From Algae Good nutrition plays a big role in keeping our brain and emotions healthy. One important nutrient for brain health is Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA), a type of omega-3 fatty acid. In this article we looks at how EPA helps...

You Don’t Need an Iodine Supplement—Just Take Algae!

You Don’t Need an Iodine Supplement—Just Take Algae!

You Need Iodine For Energy Production and Immune Function  Iodine is an important nutrient that doesn’t always get much attention, but it’s essential for producing energy and supporting the immune system. This article explains why iodine is so important and highlights...